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Monday, October 22, 2018

Random List of Things I Hate

Sometimes, one needs to vent. When can't vent or it doesn't work, I've found making lists helps. This list was inspired by a book my girlfriend bought which had something to do with hating things. Either way, I felt inspired to make a list of 100 things that I can't stand. Keep in mind, this list is not in any order. For one of the things I hate is...
  1.  Ordering lists of over 10 items - If you say you like to order large lists, you'd either be a liar or an extremely bored individual. It took me long enough to make this list. It would've taken months to order it.
  2. Chocolate - Call this odd or crazy if you must, but honestly, I could never understand why people like this. The taste, the smell - everything is toxic to me. Given the choice between eating it or starving, I think I may starve. Unless I was also extremely intoxicated.
  3. Expectations and Timetables - Seriously! Just let me do things at my own pace, be my own person. God.
  4. Tuesdays - Unlike most people who say Monday is their least favorite day of the Week, I've always taken more of a hatred for Tuesday. At least with Monday, you have the sense of optimism about the incomign week... With Tuesday, you realize that it is not even half over despite feeling like the week has already went on forever...
  5. Slow moving traffic in the left lane - The law is "Drive right, pass left". While police seem to target people passing on the right, I think its more of a crime to be the person they are passing. Seriously, STAY RIGHT! In my opinion, people going below the speed limit should be banned from the left lane all-together! Or the police should start pulling people over for staying Left despite going extremely slow.
  6. Embarrassing stories - Thanks, my family, for telling every woman I date nearly every embarrassing and awkward moment to happen in my childhood.
  7. Smoking - I will never try smoking. I LOVE drinking, but smoking... it's disgusting. The main reason I hate it is unlike drinking and most other drugs where the risk is only with the user (so long as the user uses it responsibly... like, not driving while under the influence), smoking endangers everyone around you. There are stories of people dying of lung cancer because their parent smoked. Plus, the smell of someone else's smoke is just disgusting.
  8. Cleaning - I'm a pretty messy person, but you know what... the only time I have a really hard time finding something is when I (or someone else) cleans up. It's called ordered chaos!
  9. Emotions - Ugh ... talk about something that gets in the way more often than not and has almost no useful purposes. Yeah, I suppose I like to feel good. But when it stops me from doing something I logically know I should do, it's annoying.
  10. Lying - I strive to be a truthful person. Sometimes I'll plead the 5th or tell a half-truth, but I strive for everything I say to be truth. When people lie to me even for a good reason (to protect my feelings or something), I get upset. If I ask a question, I want an honest answer! And you'll get the same thing from me.
  11. The New York Jets - I hate everything about them. Starting with their fat head coach and thug players to their annoying and cocky fanbase that is mostly illiterate, everything about the Jets franchise I hate. 
  12. Explaining rules - I don't know why, as usually I love boasting my knowledge about any given subject to someone, but when it comes to rules, I hate it. Plus, it seems whenever I explain rules to someone, they always just look at me confused.
  13. Getting gas - It's tough times for gas prices, but oddly enough, that is only part of why I dislike going to the gas station. On top of that, it's just so out of the way.
  14. Talking on the phone - Talking on the phone is so much worse than talking to someone in person. I don't know what it is, but people on the phone are incredibly hard to understand. And even when that is okay, having to hold the phone to talk privately is an extreme annoyance.
  15. New-age video gaming - Maybe I'm just old-school... or just very nostalgic and set in my ways... but the quality of games have gone down proportionally to the quality of graphics going up. Too many newer games are "dumbed down" for the ever-expanding casual gamer masses and far too little detail, charm, attention to detail and depth are found in games anymore. Then in come the CoD-fags, thinking every game that is not CoD or another bad FPS sucks. Kay.
  16. Timmys - For those who don't get the reference, a Timmy is name for a gamer who "plays for the fun of it". Back when playing Yu-Gi-Oh, these players were extremely annoying due to their constant whining about never being able to win at competitive tournaments, saying people should be more "original". Despite them mostly using decks made by fake anime characters. Right...
  17. Fanboys that won't leave you alone - Perhaps this is one that some may not be able to identify with, but as TheKillerNacho, I sometimes get messages on IM / email / Youtube constantly by the same people, over and over again. Usually asking for a battle. I have no problem interacting with my fans, but c'mon guys - let me breathe.
  18. Tardiness - When I commit to something, I'm usually there on-time, perhaps early. When other people are late to events (or forget/ditch them alltogether), I am angry to say the least.
  19. Drama - I just want to get on with my life! Why does stupid stuff always seem to interfere with this? People get upset about the most ridiculous things and they make lives miserable for themselves and others. Why?!
  20. Stupid people (noobs) - I shouldn't need to explain this. Of course, I'm not talking about those with low intelligence or experience. I'm talking about the people who constantly mess up yet believe they're great.
  21. Making mistakes - I'm a pretty prideful person (it could be my largest weakness). When I mess up and make a klutzy accident or simply fail to achieve my goals, I'm embarrassed and angry at myself.
  22. Surprises - Some people are spontaneous... I am not. When I wake up in the morning, I like to know exactly what I'm going to do the following day. When my internal schedule is not followed, I get... cranky.
  23. Writer's block - I hate it when I "write myself into a hole" so to speak. This also applies to making videos - sometimes I'll start a certain plot or portion of a game, and not be willing to finish it. 
  24. Insomnia - Tossing in turning in the middle of the night wanting so hard to fall asleep because you know you need to wake up early in the morning... aah, one of the worst things.
  25. Salesmen - I just hate it when I know someone is trying to sell me something. Especially those who come up with you despite you trying to make no eye contact. This also goes for people coming up to you or knocking on your door for other reasons... church conversions, donations, my vote in the upcoming election, etc.
  26. Cheating in games - Cheating in pretty much every form is despicable, but especially in multi-player games. When playing for prizes, its virtually equivalent to stealing. But even when the game is just for fun, you don't really win if you cheat. And if you lose despite cheating you're terrible.
  27. Hangovers - I like drinking but I always have to make sure I don't pass into the "drunk" state because hangovers are one of the worst sicknesses someone can have. In the immortal words of Montgomery Scott, "Don't get drunk unless you're willing to pay for it in the morning."
  28. Having to hold a #2 - I think most can sympathize with this. Holding a #1 I can do... but when you have to hold a #2, you feel like hell. Absolute hell.
  29. Being thrown to the wolves - Aah, the feeling of being expected to excel at something you've never done before. At least show me how to do a task before you expect me to do it to your standards.
  30. Being too hot - My room has poor circulation. For that reason, it is always an inferno in the summer (and an icebox in the winter). At least when you're cold you can put more covers on. When its too hot, you can't do anything about it and I find it virtually impossible to fall asleep.