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Friday, November 26, 2010

Tactia ORPG / Tabletop RPG

Something I was fiddling with last year when I was supposed to be paying attention in class, the Tactia ORPG system started as a Tabletop RPG system focused around a quick, fun, and simple battle system. I never ironed out the "roleplaying" mechanics since I quickly changed it to an MMORPG concept, but it still remains something that could be used for a table-top RPG. I never actually completed my work on it, but it did get into its beginning stages and helped me understand online programming. Below is my notes for the system, for your enjoyment. I doubt I'll ever finish the project.


Program Model

Ground – is a Type of ground. Includes a sprite, speed mod.
Object – is an object.. Includes sprite, pickupable, weight, useable, useeffect, description, and type.
Mobile – is a player, creature, or NPC that can move. Includes sprite, type, gender, immortal, ATK, DEF, MAG, HP, DAM, RANGE, temp mod for (ATK, DEF, MAG, HP, DAM, RANGE), array of Ability, mods for all types of damage, weaponslot, armorslot, shieldslot, accessorryslot, helmetslot, backpack, capacity, vision, array of Allies (Mobiles), array of Enemies (Mobiles).
Effect – contains a sprite.
Player – is a type of Mobile. Also includes class, class level for each class, ability array for each class, secondaryability, counterability, exp, jp array for each class, globaljp
Square – This class has a single variable, Ground, an array for Objects, one single variable for Mobile, and an array of effects.
World – The class is a triple array of Square. Keeps track of where things are on the world. Includes a method for determining range.

Data Types
World – Includes data about the world's Ground, perm. Objects.
WorldState – Includes data about the world's temp Objects.
Account – Includes data about all players on that account, and previous states of those players. Also includes account info like username, password, etc.
Object – includes all data about an object type.
Mobile – includes all data about a mobile type.

Grid – an array of things the player can possibly see. The server sends only sprite data, description, and uses for top object/mob/ground. Also includes an array of all visible Mob.
ViewPlayer – a dummy Player object that gets updated every change.
Communicator – a class that communicates player actions to server, for the server to execute. Commands include attack, ability (target mob), use (target object), use with (target object, target mob/object), equip (target object), learn (ability), chageClass (class).


Melee Attacks. A represents attacker, D represents Defender:
Roll = 1d20
if Roll != 20 and (A.ATK + Roll) > ((D.DEF + 10) * MOD), Attack hits
if Roll = 20 and (A.ATK + 1d20) > ((D.DEF + 10) * MOD), Attack critical hits. Else, Attack hits.
If A attacks D from behind or while charging, MOD = 0.5. Else if A attacks D from the front, MOD = 1.5.

If the attack hits or when hit by a magic attack, the damage dealt is:
MOD = 1. If attack is a critical hit, MOD = MOD * 2. If D is charging, MOD = MOD * 2. If D is weak/strong to the type of damage that is dealt, MOD = MOD * MODofWeaknessOrResistance.

How long it takes before a unit can make another movement action in seconds:

Natural Regeneration when eating food:
Every 30 seconds, a unit will regain 1 MAG until they reach their maximum MAG.
Every 3 seconds, a unit will regain 1 HP until they reach their maximum HP.

At the end of each encounter, a player gains EXP and JP depending on opponents:
EXP Gained = 5 + (loser's level - winner's level) *
JP Gained = 1 + 0.5 (loser's level - winner's level) *
*Cannot be < 0.
When EXP = 100, the player may Level Up. JP can be used to buy abilities. Every 5 levels, the player gets a permanent bonus equal to the class's bonus scores (in parentheses in the Class section). 

Status Effects

Poison deals 10 damage to the target every turn, and heals on 16.
Blind halves the target's attack.
Don't Move makes the unit unable to move, heals on 16.
Don't Act makes the unit unable to do any action, heals on 16.
Charm will make the unit in control of the AI. Units cannot be re-marked as Allies or Enemies while this status is in effect. The unit that controlled the effect that Charmed this unit is changed to an Enemy if it isn't already. The unit will treat units marked as Allies as Enemies and units marked as Enemies as Allies. Heals on 16 or when it takes damage.
Haste increases the target's speed by 50%, and heals on 19.
Slow decreases target's speed by 25%, and heals on 19.
Stop makes the units unable to move or act. Heals on 11, and turns into Slow.
Sleep makes the units unable to move or act. Heals on 19 or when it takes damage.
Silence makes the target unable to use spells or abilities requiring speech. Heals on 19.
Burn deals 5 damage to the target every turn, and halves the target's damage. Heals on 19.
Stun makes the target unable to move or act. Heals on 6.
Petrify makes the unit not able to move or act. Units may choose to die of Petrify at any time.
Reraise makes the target revive at 25% of maximum HP on Death. Heals on use.
Regen makes the unit cure 10 damage per turn. Heals on 19.
Protect makes the target take half damage from Physical attacks. Heals on 19.
Shell makes the target take half damage from Magic attacks. Heals on 19.
Frail makes the target take double damage from every attack. Heals on 19.
Dying is a status that only and automatically activates when the target drops below 0 HP. Units may choose to die from Dying at any time. Target takes one damage on 11 every turn. When the target drops at or below -20 HP, the target dies. Heals automatically if HP goes above 1.


HP: 60
DEF: 2
ATK: 2 (+1)
MAG: 1
DAM: 1d4
Requirements: null

Throw Stone (1 JP) – 1d4 damage, 4 range
First Aid (3 JP) – Heals Poison, Blind, Sleep, and Burn to self or adjacent.
Slam (3 JP) – Attack that knocks target back on 11. (Uses weapon)
Accumulate (3 JP) - +1 ATK to self for 10 seconds. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Cheer Up (5 JP) - +1 DEF to range 4 on 11 or higher for 10 seconds.
Yell (5 JP) - +1 SPEED to range 4 for 10 seconds. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Scream (20 JP) - +1 ATK, DEF, and SPEED to self for 10 seconds. (Charges for 5 seconds)

HP: 40
DEF: 0
ATK: 0
MAG: 3 (+1)
DAM: 1d4
Requirements: null

Sparks (1 JP) – 1 MAG, 10 Holy damage to range 4. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Throw Item (3 JP) – You may use items with a range of 4.
Light Cure (3 JP) – 1 MAG, cures 10 to range 4. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Rookie Alchemy (10 JP) – Inflict completely random status to Range 4.

HP: 100 (+10)
DEF: 5
ATK: 4
MAG: 1
DAM: 1d4
Requirements: Level 5 Squire

Break Helmet (5 JP) – Breaks target's helmet on 16. The difficulty check is changed to 19 against Players. (Uses weapon)
Break Accessory (5 JP) – Breaks target's accessory on 16. The difficulty check is changed to 19 against Players. (Uses weapon)
Break Armor (7 JP) – Breaks target's armor on 16. The difficulty check is changed to 19 against Players. (Uses weapon)
Break Shield (7 JP) – Breaks target's shield on 16. The difficulty check is changed to 19 against Players. (Uses weapon)
Break Weapon (7 JP) – Breaks target's weapon on 16. The difficulty check is changed to 19 against Players. (Uses weapon)
Defend (7 JP) - +2 DEF to self. Does not stack, and wears off when user chooses another action.
10 HP-UP (10 JP)

HP: 70
DEF: 3
ATK: 2
MAG: 1
SPEED: 12 (+1)
DAM: 1d4
Requirements: Level 5 Squire

Charge (3 JP) – Attacks at double damage (Uses weapon, charges for 2 seconds)
Arm Aim (10 JP) – Adds Don't Act on 11. (Uses weapon)
Leg Aim (10 JP) – Adds Don't Move on 11. (Uses weapon)
Arrow Guard (12 JP) – Range attacks miss on 11. (Counter ability)

HP: 80 HP
DEF: 5
ATK: 8 (+2)
MAG: 1
DAM: 1d4
Requirements: Level 8 Knight

Bloodlust (5 JP) - +1 ATK to range 4 for 10 seconds. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Shatterpoint (8 JP) – Next attack within 10 minutes counts as a natural 20. (Charges for 10 seconds)
Brutalize Corpse (8 JP) – Kills dying enemy.
Earthquake (10 JP) – 10 Earth damage to all in range 4 except self. (Charges for 3 seconds)
1 ATK-UP (10 JP)
Cyclone (12 JP) – Attack each enemy in range once. (Charges for 3 seconds, uses weapon)
Counter (12 JP) – Attack those who attack you. (Counter, uses weapon)
Dominant Strike (18 JP) – Attack that Stuns on 11. (Uses weapon)

HP: 70
DEF: 6 (+1)
ATK: 8
MAG: 2
DAM: 2d8 + 2
Requirements: Level 4 Knight, Level 4 Archer

Repeating Fist (3 JP) – Punch attack that can't miss.
Spin Fists (5 JP) – Punch attack each adjacent enemy once.
Double Strike (7 JP) – Attack that attacks twice. First attack is made when used, second attack is made when charge is complete. (Uses weapon, charges for 1 second)
Eye Gouge (7 JP) – Blinds adjacent unit on 6.
Earth Slash (10 JP) – 1 MAG, deal 15 Earth damage to all units in a line in range 6.
Air Slash (10 JP) - 1 MAG, range 4, deal 15 Wind damage and knock target back on 6.
Aqua Slash (10 JP) – 1 MAG, deal 15 Water damage to all units in range 2 except self.
Chakra (10 JP) – Heal 10 and +1 MAG to self, and each adjacent.
Revive (15 JP) – Revive adjacent drying unit at 25% of their maximum HP on 6.
Hamedo (20 JP) – Punch attack before attacked. Negates the enemy attack on hit. (Counter)

HP: 50
DEF: 9
ATK: 3
MAG: 1
SPEED: 14 (+1)
DAM: 1d4
Requirements: Level 8 Archer

Pickpocket (1 JP) - Steal 1 GP from adjacent target on 16. If roll is 6 or lower, the target is alerted.
Mug (3 JP) – Attack that attacks at half damage. If it hits, steal 1 GP from target. (Uses weapon)
Speed Save (8 JP) – When this unit takes damage, +1 Speed for 10 seconds. (Counter)
Steal Helmet (10 JP) – Steals helmet of adjacent target on 16. Cannot be used on other players.
Steal Accessory (10 JP) – Steals accessory of adjacent target on 16. Cannot be used on other players.
Steal Weapon (10 JP) – Steals weapon of adjacent target on 16. Cannot be used on other players.
Steal Shield (10 JP) – Steals shield of adjacent target on 16. Cannot be used on other players.
Steal Armor (10 JP) – Steals armor of adjacent target on 16. Cannot be used on other players.
Catch (12 JP) – Catches ranged weapon on 16. (Counter)
Steal Heart (16 JP) – Charms enemy of opposite gender on 16. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Concentrate (20 JP) – Attack at half damage that can't miss. (Uses weapon)

Dark Knight
HP: 100
DEF: 6
ATK: 8 (+1)
MAG: 3 (+1)
DAM: 1d4
Requirements: Level 6 Barbarian, Level 4 Wizard

Night Sword (5 JP) – 1 MAG, Attack that cures user equal to the damage to the target. (Uses weapon)
Dark Sword (5 JP) – 1 MAG, Attack that does Damage/5 Magic-Damage instead of Damage to the target. The user gains MAG equal to the Magic-Damage to the target. (Uses weapon)
Black Hole (10 JP) – 3 MAG, range 4, aoe 1, Deal Darkness damage equal to half of the effected unit's remaining HP on 11. (Charges for 5 seconds)
Reversal (15 JP) – Attacker takes damage instead of this unit on 16. (Counter)
Icon of Sin (25 JP) – 1 MAG, Usable only once every 30 minutes, +5 ATK to self for 15 minutes. (Charges for 10 seconds)

HP: 120 (+20)
DEF: 7
ATK: 6
MAG: 3
DAM: 1d4
Requirements: Level 6 Monk, Level 4 Priest

Bury Sword (5 JP) – 1 MAG, Attack that Stops on 16 and Blinds on 16. (Uses weapon)
Holy Explosion (5 JP) – 1 MAG, Attack one enemy then all units adjacent to that enemy. Only the original target must be in range. (Uses weapon)
1 DEF UP (10 JP)
Equipment Guard (15 JP) – Equipped items can't be broken on 6. (Counter)
Will of God (25 JP) – 2 MAG, Usable only once every 30 minutes, 20 Holy damage to all enemies on screen, cure 20 to all allies on screen. (Charges for 5 seconds)

HP: 80
DEF: 6 (+1)
ATK: 7 (+1)
MAG: 4
DAM: 1d4
Requirements: Level 5 Monk, Level 5 Barbarian

Entangle (3 JP) - 1 MAG, Must be on grass, range 4, aoe 1, 10 Earth damage, Slow on 16.
Fissure (3 JP) - 1 MAG, Must be on dirt, range 4, aoe 1, 10 Earth damage, Don't Move on 16.
Sandstorm (3 JP) - 1 MAG, Must be on sand, range 4, aoe 1, 10 Earth damage, Blind on 16.
Blizzard (3 JP) - 1 MAG, Must be on snow, range 4, aoe 1, 10 Cold damage, Don't Act on 16.
Flood (3 JP) - 1 MAG, Must be in water, range 4, aoe 1, 10 Water damage, Silence on 16.
Demon Fire (3 JP) - 1 MAG, Must be on lava, range 4, aoe 1, 10 Fire damage, Burn on 16.
Poison Vapor (3 JP) - 1 MAG, Must be in swamp, range 4, aoe 1, 10 Acid damage, Poison on 16.
Mech Mash (3 JP) - 1 MAG, Must be indoors, range 4, aoe 1, 10 Darkness damage, Sleep on 16.
Earthquake (3 JP) - 1 MAG, Must be on rock, range 4, aoe 1, 10 Earth damage, Stun on 11.
Counter Flood (10 JP) - When targeted with a spell or attack, use Geomancy back at the attacker with aoe 0 and no MAG cost if the attacker is in range. (Counter)
1 MAG UP (10 JP)
Gaia's Warth (10 JP) - 2 MAG, range 4, aoe 1, Usable once every 30 minutes, 10 Earth damage, Petrify on 16.

HP: 60
DEF: 10
ATK: 8 (+1)
MAG: 1
SPEED: 16 (+1)
DAM: 1d4
Requirements: Level 7 Thief, Level 3 Barbarian

Throw Suriken (1 JP) - Throw a suriken, range 6.
Throw Bomb (3 JP) - Throw a bomb, range 6.
Throw Weapon (5 JP) - Throw a weapon, range 6.
Abandon (10 JP) - Attack and Spells miss on 16. (Counter)
1 SPEED UP (10 JP)
Two Weapons (15 JP) - You may equip two weapons instead of a shield. When you attack, you attack with both weapons.
Poison Touch (15 JP) - Attack that poisons on hit. (Uses weapon)
Blind Touch (15 JP) - Attack that blinds on hit. (Uses weapon)
Tongue Touch (15 JP) - Attack that silences on hit (Uses weapon)
Assassinate (25 JP) - Usable once every 30 minutes, make an attack for quadruple damage. This attack only succeeds when attacking from behind. (Uses weapon)

HP: 100
DEF: 5 (+1)
ATK: 4
MAG: 1
SPEED: 13 (+1)
DAM: 1d4
Requirements: Level 5 Thief, Level 5 Monk

Jump (3 JP) - Jumps into air on panel in 5 range. Attacks unit in that panel for 2 seconds, then move into a random adjacent square.
Dragon Spirit (10 JP) - When this unit takes damage, add Reraise on 11. (Counter)
Dragon Breath (12 JP) - 1 MAG, 30 Holy damage to all units in a line in range 3. Wearing the right color of Dragon Scale Mail can change the type of damage this attack deals. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Sky Attack (25 JP) - Usable once every 30 minutes. Use an instant Jump on any panel. The ATK of this unit is doubled for this attack alone.

HP: 40
DEF: 0
ATK: 2
MAG: 4 (+2)
DAM: 1d4
Requirements: Level 5 Apprentice

Poison (1 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, poisons on 6. (Charge for 3 seconds)
Fire (3 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, 20 Fire damage and Burn on 16. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Ice (3 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, 20 Cold damage and Don't Move on 16. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Bolt (3 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, 20 Energy damage and Stun on 16. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Fire 2 (7 JP) - 2 MAG, range 6, aoe 2, 30 Fire damage and Burn on 11. (Charges for 5 seconds)
Ice 2 (7 JP) - 2 MAG, range 6, aoe 2, 30 Cold damage and Don't Move on 11. (Charges for 5 seconds)
Bolt 2 (7 JP) - 2 MAG, range 6, aoe 2, 30 Energy damage and Stun on 11. (Charges for 5 seconds)
Counter Magic (15 JP) - Counter a magical attack with the same spell on 6. Spell does not need to be learned to be used, but the magic cost must still be payed. The spell is cast instantly. (Counter)
Flare (20 JP) - 3 MAG, range 6, 60 Darkness damage. (Charges for 7 seconds)

HP: 50 (+10)
DEF: 2
ATK: 0
MAG: 4 (+1)
DAM: 1d4
Requirements: Level 5 Apprentice

Cure (1 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, cures 10 damage. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Protect (3 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, Protect on 6. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Shell (3 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, Shell on 6. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Pray (3 JP) - Heals all allies in sight by 10 on 16. (Charges for 10 seconds)
Regen (5 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, Regen on 6. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Cleanse (5 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, Cures negative status on 6. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Cure 2 (5 JP) - 2 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, cures 20 damage. (Charges for 5 seconds)
Reraise (9 JP) - 2 MAG, range 6, Adds Reraise on 6. (Charges for 5 seconds)
Wall (9 JP) - 2 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, Protect and Shell on 6. (Charges for 5 seconds)
Raise (10 JP) - 2 MAG, range 6, Revive dying unit at half of their Maximum HP on 6. (Charges for 5 seconds)
Regeneration (15 JP) - When this unit takes damage, add Regen on 6. (Counter)
Holy (15 JP) - 3 MAG, range 6, 40 Holy damage. (Charges for 7 seconds)
Mass Cure (20 JP) - 3 MAG, range 6, aoe 2, cures 40 damage. (Charges for 7 seconds)

HP: 40
DEF: 1
ATK: 1
MAG: 5 (+3)
DAM: 1d4
Requirements: Level 8 Wizard

(Summoners can have a maximum of two summons)
Summon Animal (3 JP) - ? MAG, summon one animal adjacent to the caster. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Summon Minor Monster (5 JP) - ? MAG, summon one minor monster adjacent to the caster. (Charges for 5 seconds)
1 MAG UP (10 JP)
Monster Summon UP (10 JP) - This unit can have up to 3 summons.
Summon Medium Monster (12 JP) - ? MAG, summon one medium monster adjacent to the caster. (Charges for 5 seconds)
Summon Major Monster (20 JP) - ? MAG, summon one major monster adjacent to the caster. (Charges for 7 seconds)

Time Mage
HP: 50
DEF: 2
ATK: 2
MAG: 4 (+1)
SPEED: 12 (+1)
DAM: 1d4
Requirements: Level 5 Wizard, Level 3 Priest

Haste (3 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, adds Haste on 6. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Slow (3 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, adds Slow on 6. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Stun (3 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, adds Stun on 6. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Demi (5 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, 7 Darkness damage and 7 Holy damage. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Stop (10 JP) - 2 MAG, range 6, adds Stop on 6. (Charges for 5 seconds)
1 SPEED UP (10 JP)
Meteor (20 JP) - 4 MAG, range 6, aoe 3, 50 damage. (Charges for 7 seconds)

HP: 60
DEF: 4
ATK: 6 (+1)
MAG: 4
DAM: 1d4
Requirements: Level 3 Wizard, Level 5 Priest

(Druids can have a maximum of two followers)
Animate Tree (3 JP) - 2 MAG, range 6, Makes a tree a Trent ally. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Summon Animal (3 JP) - ? MAG, summon one animal adjacent to the caster. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Nature Trap (5 JP) - 1 MAG, select one tile. The next unit that walks on that tile in 30 seconds takes 30 Acid damage and is poisoned on 6. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Runeward (5 JP) - Self and adjacent allies gain 2 MAG. (Charges for 7 seconds)
Cancel (5 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, Cures positive status on 6. (Charges for 3 seconds)
1 ATK UP (10 JP)
1 DEF UP (10 JP)
Natural Cure (10 JP) - When this unit takes damage, cure 10 on 6. (Counter)
Heal (10 JP) - 2 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, Cures 15 and heals negative status on 11. (Charges for 5 seconds)

HP: 90 (+10)
DEF: 6
ATK: 4
MAG: 3
DAM: 1d4
Requirements: Level 8 Priest

Preach (5 JP) - range 6, target gains 1 MAG. (Charges for 5 seconds)
Solution (5 JP) - range 6, target loses 1 MAG. (Charges for 5 seconds)
Praise (5 JP) - range 6, target gains 1 ATK for 20 seconds. (Charges for 5 seconds)
Insult (5 JP) - range 6, target loses 1 ATK for 20 seconds. (Charges for 5 seconds)
10 HP UP (10 JP)
Long Story (12 JP) - range 6, adds Sleep. (Charges for 9 seconds)

HP: 80 (+10)
DEF: 5
ATK: 8
MAG: 5 (+1)
DAM: 1d4
Requirements: Level 6 Summoner, Level 4 Knight

Magic Sword (3 JP) - 1 MAG, attack at +10 Damage. (Uses weapon)
Frailty (5 JP) - 2 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, adds Frail on 6. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Whirlwind (5 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, 25 Wind damage and Stop on 16. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Shatter (5 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, 25 Earth damage and Petrify on 19. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Tidal Wave (5 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, 25 Water damage and Charm on 16. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Power Save (10 JP) - When this unit takes damage, gain 1 MAG (on 11) or 1 ATK for 30 seconds (not on 11). (Counter)
Banish (25 JP) - 5 MAG, range 6, Usable once every 30 minutes, Deal Darkness damage equal to that of the target's remaining Hitpoints on 6.

HP: 70
DEF: 4
ATK: 4 (+1)
MAG: 5 (+1)
DAM: 1d4
Requirements: Level 6 Time Mage, Level 4 Druid

Black Magic (5 JP) - Adds all learned Wizard abilities to this skillset.
White Magic (5 JP) - Adds all learned Priest abilities to this skillset.
Doublecast (25 JP) - Usable once every 30 minutes. Charge two spells at the same time and cast them in the same turn. Use the charge time for the longer spell.

HP: 80
DEF: 6
ATK: 6
MAG: 3
DAM: 1d10
Requirements: Level 8 Druid, Level 2 Summoner

(Beastmasters may have one pet)
Convince Animal (3 JP) - ? MAG, convince animal to become a pet on 11. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Convince Minor Monster (5 JP) - ? MAG, convince minor monster to become a pet on 11. (Charges for 5 seconds)
Follower Aura (5 JP) - Allied creatures in range of 6 gain 1 ATK and 1 DEF.
Convince Medium Monster (12 JP) - ? MAG, convince medium monster to become a pet on 11. (Charges for 5 seconds)
Monster Skill - When a creature's ability is used in range of 6, this unit learns that ability and adds it to this skillset on 20. Passive abilities have the ability to be learned once every 30 minutes. (Counter)
Convince Major Monster (20 JP) - ? MAG, convince major monster to become a pet on 16. (Charges for 7 seconds)
Mindslaver (25 JP) - 3 MAG, Usable once every 30 minutes, Charm all enemy creatures in range 6 on 6. (Charges for 9 seconds)

HP: 60
DEF: 4
ATK: 4
MAG: 6 (+2)
SPEED: 12 (+1)
Requirements: Level 8 Bishop, Level 2 Time Mage

Blind (3 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, adds Blind on 6. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Sleep (3 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, adds Sleep on 6. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Silence (3 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, adds Silence on 6. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Freeze (5 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, adds Don't Move on 6. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Paralyze (5 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, adds Don't Act on 6. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Burn (5 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, adds Burn on 6. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Charm (8 JP) - 2 MAG, range 6, aoe 1, adds Charm on 6. (Charges for 5 seconds)
Prophecy (10 JP) - Spells miss on 11. (Counter)
Destiny Manipulation (15 JP) - All check rolls for this unit's abilities are at -3.
Petrify (25 JP) - 5 MAG, Usable once every 30 minutes, range 6, adds Petrify on 6. (Charges for 9 seconds)

HP: 70
DEF: 2
ATK: 6 (+2)
MAG: 5
Requirements: Level 5 Summoner, Level 5 Time Mage

(Necromancers may have a maximum of five minions)
Raise Skeleton (1 JP) - 1 MAG, make a corpse into a Skeleton minion. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Dark Ball (3 JP) - 1 MAG, range 6, 30 Darkness damage. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Poison Nova (3 JP) - 1 MAG, units in range 2 take 10 Acid damage and are poisoned on 6. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Rebuke Undead (5 JP) - ? MAG, Convince undead to join as minion on 11. (Charges for 5 seconds)
Raise Zombie (5 JP) - 2 MAG, make corpse into a zombie. (Charges for 5 seconds)
Raise Lich (15 JP) - 3 MAG, make corpse into a lich. (Charges for 7 seconds)
Auto Necromancy (15 JP) - You may instantly and without magic cost cast Raise Skeleton when this unit kills another unit with a physical attack. (Counter)
Mass Raise (25 JP) - 5 MAG, Usable once every 30 minutes, Raise all corpses in sight of this unit as undead, the highest kind learned. (Charges for 9 seconds)

Equipment and Items

Knives are daggers and short swords. They are light and easy to use. Squires, Apprentices, Knights, Barbarians, Thieves, Dark Knights, Paladins, Geomancers, Sages, Ninjas, Warlords, Bishops, Beastmasters, Prophets, and Necromancers can use Knives effectively.
Buyable Knives:
Knife - 5 gold, 1d6 damage, +1 Speed to user.
Iron Dagger - 10 gold, 1d8 damage, +1 Speed to user.
Poison Dagger - 25 gold, 1d8 damage, +1 Speed to user, Poisons target on 16.
Steel Dagger - 100 gold, 1d8+2 damage, +1 Speed to user.

Swords are elegant weapons that are the preferred weapon of many fighters. Squires, Knights, Barbarians, Thieves, Dark Knights, Paladins, Geomancers, Ninjas, Warlords, Sages, Bishops, and Beastmasters can use Swords.

Buyable Swords:
Short Sword - 7 gold, 1d10 damage
Katana - 14 gold, 1d10 damage, range 2
Rapier - 20 gold, 1d10 damage, +1 Speed to user.
Falchion - 50 gold, 1d10+4 damage
Longsword - 100 gold, 2d8 damage

Great Swords are larger swords, created for only the most efficient fighters. They are two-handed weapons, so a shield cannot be used with them. They are also heavy. Knights, Paladins, and Dark Knights can use Great Swords.

Buyable Great Swords:
Giant Sword - 400 gold, 2d12+4 damage, -1 Speed to user

Spears are large weapons that can be used to attack enemies at a distance. Lancers and Barbarians can use Spears.

Buyable Spears:
Hunting Spear - 20 gold, 1d8 damage, range 2
Iron Spear - 100 gold, 2d6 damage, range 2

Axes are heavy, brutal weapons. They are capable of dealing a lot of damage, but may be hard to hit with. Squires, Barbarians, Knights, Geomancers, and Beastmasters can use Axes.

Buyable Axes:
Hatchet - 10 gold, 2d4 damage
Battle Axe - 75 gold, 2d10 damage, -2 ATK to user.
War Axe - 150 gold, 2d12 damage, -2 ATK to user.

Rods are a mage's weapon. They help concentrate the soul to make spellcasting easier. Apprentices, Wizards, Summoners, Time Mages, Warlords, Necromancers, Sages, and Prophets may use Rods.

Buyable Rods:
Basic Rod - 10 gold, 1d4 damage, +1 MAG to user.
Flame Rod - 25 gold, 1d4 damage, +1 MAG to user. Increases Fire damage by spells from the caster by 25%.
Frost Rod - 25 gold, 1d4 damage, +1 MAG to user. Increases Cold damage by spells from the caster by 25%.
Thunder Rod - 25 gold, 1d4 damage, +1 MAG to user. Increases Energy damage by spells from the caster by 25%.

Staffs are large wooden weapons preferred by mages. Apprentices, Priests, Summoners, Time Mages, Druids, Bishops, Warlords, Sages, Beastmasters, and Prophets may use Staffs.

Buyable Staffs:
Wooden Staff - 5 gold, 1d6 damage
White Staff - 50 gold, 1d6 damage, Wearer is immune to Poison, Burn, and Blind.
Healing Staff - 150 gold, 1d6 damage, This staff will cure instead of deal damage.

Bows and Crossbows are ranged weapons designed to attack enemies from a distance. Bows and Crossbows are two handed, so a shield cannot be used with them. Archers, Paladins, Dark Knights, and Warlords can use Bows and Crossbows.

Buyable Bows and Crossbows:
Short Bow - 40 gold, 1d8+2 damage, range 6
Long Bow - 160 gold, 2d8 damage, range 8
Crossbow - 100 gold, 1d10+4 damage, range 8, minimum range 2
Bowgun - 400 gold, 1d12+6 damage, range 8, minimum range 2

Buyable Ammunition:
Arrows - 10 Arrows for 1 gold
Bolts - 5 Bolts for 1 gold

Shields can help block attacks from enemies. Squires, Knights, Barbarians, Dark Knights, Paladins, Geomancers, Warlords, Sages, Bishops, and Beastmasters can use Shields.

Buyable Shields:
Buckler - 10 gold, +1 DEF to wearer, any class can use this shield, even if they are not proficient in shields.
Wooden Shield - 15 gold, +2 DEF to wearer
Iron Shield - 50 gold, +3 DEF to wearer
Hide Shield - 50 gold, +2 DEF to wearer, Evade magic attacks on 19.
Steel Shield - 100 gold, +4 DEF to wearer

Light Armor is mainly clothes and other light pieces of armor. Provides minimal protection. Anyone can use Light Armor.

Buyable Light Armor:
Leather Armor - 5 gold, +10 HP, +1 Speed to wearer.
Jacket - 10 gold, +5 HP, +2 Speed to wearer.
Chain Garb - 30 gold, +20 HP

Buyable Light Helmets:
Leather Hat - 5 gold, +0 HP, +1 Speed to wearer.
Chain Hat - 10 gold, +5 HP

Heavy Armor are powerful but heavy armor that is designed to be used by warriors. Knights, Barbarians, Dark Knights, Paladins, Lancers, and Warlords can use Heavy Armor.

Buyable Heavy Armor:
Chain Armor - 50 gold, +30 HP
Scale Armor - 100 gold, +50 HP, -1 Speed to wearer
Plate Armor - 150 gold, +60 HP, -1 Speed to wearer

Buyable Heavy Helmets:
Cross Helmet - 20 gold, +10 HP
Warrior Helmet - 50 gold, +15 HP
Full Helmet - 100 gold, +20 HP, -2 ATK to the wearer, wearer is immune to Blind.

Mage Armor are mage garbs, made to be worn by mages. They provide minimal protection, but aid in the art of spellcasting. Wizards, Priests, Summoners, Time Mages, Druids, Bishops, Apprentices, Warlords, Sages, Beastmasters, Prophets, and Necromancers can use Mage Armor.

Buyable Mage Armor:
Robe - 10 gold, +0 HP, +1 MAG to wearer.
Black Clothes - 25 gold, +5 HP, All magic damage caused by a spell from the wearer is increased by 5.
White Clothes - 25 gold, +5 HP, All curing caused by a spell from the wearer is increased by 5.
Light Robes - 75 gold, +10 HP +1 Speed to wearer.

Buyable Mage Hats:
Sombrero - 10 gold, +0 HP, Prevents stat drops
White Viel - 25 gold, +5 HP, The wearer regains 1 HP every 5 seconds.
Black Viel - 25 gold, +5 HP, +1 MAG to wearer.

Accessories are usually some kind of jewelry or add-on that provides an additional effect. Anyone can use accessories, but some accessories are limited to certain classes.

Buyable Accessories:
Bracer - 100 gold, +2 Attack to the wearer.
Time Ring - 100 gold, +2 Speed to the wearer.
Magic Ring - 200 gold, +1 Magic to the wearer.
Chrono Amulet - 50 gold, Wearer is immune to Stop, Slow, and Haste.
Simple Charm - 50 gold, Wearer is immune to Poison, Sleep, and Burn.
Defense Amulet - 200 gold, The wearer takes 10% less damage from physical attacks.
Chi Amulet - 200 gold, The wearer takes 10% less damage from magic attacks.
Battle Boots - 50 gold, +5 HP
Leather Boots - 25 gold, The wearer's Speed is unaffected by Terrain.

Items are other buyable items that can be used with a purpose. Anyone can use items.

Buyable Items:
Potion - 5 gold, cures 10 damage.
Hi-Potion - 20 gold, cures 30 damage.
Ultimate Potion - 50 gold, cures 50 damage.
Ether - 10 gold, +1 MAG to target.
Hi-Ether - 50 gold, +3 MAG to target.
Berserk Potion - 10 gold, +2 Attack to target for 30 seconds, not stackable.
Haste Potion - 10 gold, +1 Speed to target for 30 seconds, not stackable.
Remedy - 50 gold, heals any negative status.
Antidote - 5 gold, heals poison.
Eye Drops - 5 gold, heals blind.
Brace - 10 gold, heals stun, don't act and don't move.
Remembrance Potion - 10 gold, heals charm.
Temporal Potion - 10 gold, heals stop and slow.
Speaking Potion - 5 gold, heals silence.
Awakening - 5 gold, heals sleep.
Ointment - 5 gold, heals burn.
Soft Clay - 15 gold, heals petrify.
Strengthening Potion - 10 gold, cures frailty.

Buyable Throwable Weapons:
Suriken - 1 gold, 1d6+4 damage
Magic Suriken - 3 gold, 1d10+4 damage
Fire Bomb - 20 gold, 10 Fire damage, burn on 16.
Aqua Bomb - 20 gold, 10 Water damage, don't move on 16.
Volt Bomb - 20 gold, 10 Energy damage, stun on 16.

Beastiary (not completed)


Animals are creatures who share the world with humans that aren't monsters. They can often be tamed, and rarely bother humans.

HP: 10
DEF: 0
ATK: 0
MAG: 0
DAM: 1d3

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 1/0

Peck - Deal 1 damage to one adjacent unit on 11.
Loud Cry - Heals Sleep to all units in range 6 on 6.

HP: 15
DEF: 0
ATK: 0
MAG: 0
DAM: 1d3

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 1/0

Oink - Charm adjacent unit on 19.

HP: 20
DEF: 0
ATK: 1
MAG: 0
DAM: 1d3

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 1/0

Run Away - Double this units speed for 5 seconds. This bonus is lost if you stop running in a straight line. This effect does not stack. (Charges for 2 seconds)
Fright - When this unit takes damage, it gets knocked back 2 squares. (Counter)

HP: 40
DEF: 2
ATK: 4
MAG: 0
DAM: 1d6

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 1/1

Howl - All units in range 6 gain 1 ATK for 3 seconds.
Swarm - This unit gets +1 ATK for each adjacent allied unit of the same class.

HP: 60
DEF: 4
ATK: 6
MAG: 0
DAM: 1d8

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 2/1

Run Away - Double this units speed for 5 seconds. This bonus is lost if you stop running in a straight line. This effect does not stack. (Charges for 2 seconds)
Mobile Attack - During the next 6 seconds, attack all units that you move past once. This effect does not stack. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Roar – Units in a range of 6 are at -1 ATK for 3 seconds.


Humanoids are beings that are human-like but not human. They are usually intelligent or semi-intelligent races. All Humanoids share the following qualities:
  • Can have a class, like a human. Preferred classes are listed next to the creature.
  • Can equip all items that the class can equip.
  • Has random abilities of that unit's class in addition to innate abilities.

Orc (medium monster)
Classes: Barbarian, Knight, Apprentice, Wizard
HP: +20
DEF: +1
ATK: +2
MAG: -1
DAM: +2

Summon/Convince: 2/2

Earth mod is 1.5, Acid mod is .5
Great Stink - Enemies in a range of 4 are at -2 DEF.

Troll (medium monster)
Classes: Squire, Apprentice
HP: +10
DEF: +0
ATK: +1
MAG: +0
DAM: +1

Summon/Convince: 2/2

Fire and Acid mod are 2, Earth mod is .5
Swarm - This unit gets +1 ATK for each adjacent allied unit of the same class.

Elf (medium monster)
Classes: Squire, Archer, Wizard, Priest
HP: +0
DEF: +2
ATK: +0
MAG: +1
DAM: +0

Summon/Convince: 2/2

Wind mod is 1.25, Earth mod is .75
Elven Charm - Allies in a range of 4 are at +1 DEF.

Dwarf (medium monster)
Classes: Knight, Geomancer
HP: +40
DEF: +0
ATK: +0
MAG: +0
DAM: +2

Summon/Convince: 2/2

Cold mod is 1.5, Earth mod is .5
Low-Light Vision - Illuminates the area around them to self allies for 3 squares.

The Undead

The undead are creatures who have been revived by unnatural means. They are often mindless servants of those who have revived them. Undead creatures all share these traits:
  • Darkness mod of -1.
  • Curing becomes damage
  • Fire and Holy mod of 2.
  • Cannot be revived by normal means. However, dying undead will revive at 1 HP at -20 HP instead of being dead IF the player goes down to -20 HP as a result of the dying status condition.

Skeleton (minor monster)
HP: 60
DEF: 1
ATK: 4
MAG: 0
DAM: 1d8

Can Equip: Squire, Archer
Summon / Convince: 1/1

Arrow Guard (Counter, Archer)
Bash - Knocks back one adjacent enemy.
Swarm - This unit gets +1 ATK for each adjacent allied unit of the same class.

Zombie (minor monster)
HP: 80
DEF: 2
ATK: 4
MAG: 0
DAM: 1d8+2

Can Equip: Squire, Knight
Summon / Convince: 2/1

Great Stink - Enemies in a range of 4 are at -2 DEF.
Drain Bite - Make one draining attack at half damage.

Lich (medium monster)
HP: 80
DEF: 4
ATK: 4
MAG: 4

Can Equip: Wizard, Priest
Summon / Convince: 3/3

Dark Ball (Necromancer)
Stop (Time Mage)
Poison Nova (Necromancer)
Power Save (Counter, Warlord)

Vampire (major monster)
HP: 100
DEF: 6
ATK: 5
MAG: 3
DAM: 1d8+4

Can Equip: All
Summon / Convince: 5/6

Blood Suck - Make a draining attack. If hits, enemy gains Blood Suck for the next 30 seconds and takes 30 damage he does not use Blood Suck on a unit without Blood Suck every 10 seconds. This effect can be cured with Cleanse or a Full Remedy. (Charges for 3 seconds)
Fire (Wizard)
Ice (Wizard)
Bolt (Wizard)

Bone Dragon (major monster)
HP: 200
DEF: 8
ATK: 10
MAG: 2
DAM: 3d8+2

Can Equip: No
Summon / Convince: -/-

Shatterpoint (Barbarian)
Arrow Guard (Counter, Archer)
Chill - 2 MAG, Stuns all enemies in range 6 on 6. (Charges for 3 seconds)


Dragons are among the fiercest monsters in the world. They collect huge treasure hordes and tend to wither down their opponents with their overwhelming physical attacks, and deliver the final blow with their powerful breath attacks. All Dragons share these traits:
  • immunity to all status effects
  • Dragon Spirit (Counter, Lancer)

White Dragon (major monster)
HP: 220
DEF: 11
ATK: 10
MAG: 4
DAM: 3d8+4

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: -/-

Cold mod of 0, Fire mod of 2.
Ice 2 (Wizard)
Ice Breath - 1 MAG, 20 Cold damage to units in a line in range 4. Don't Move and Don't Act on 16. (Charges for 3 seconds)

Red Dragon (major monster)
HP: 210
DEF: 11
ATL: 12
MAG: 5
DAM: 3d8+6

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: -/-

Fire mod of 0, Cold mod of 2.
Double Strike (Monk)
Fire Breath - 1 MAG, 25 Fire damage to units in a line in range 4. Burn on 16. (Charges for 3 seconds)

Blue Dragon (major monster)
HP: 240
DEF: 13
ATK: 9
MAG: 4
DAM: 3d8+2

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: -/-

Water mod of 0, Energy mod of 2.
Cure 2 (Priest)
Vapor Breath - 1 MAG, 15 Water damage to units in a line in range 3. Charm on 19. (Charges for 3 seconds)

Green Dragon (major monster)
HP: 200
DEF: 10
ATK: 10
MAG: 5
DAM: 3d8+3

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: -/-

Acid mod of 0, Earth mod of 2.
Poison Nova (Necromancer)
Acid Breath - 1 MAG, 20 Acid damage to units in a line in range 4. Poison on 16. (Charges for 3 seconds)

Silver Dragon (major monster)
HP: 190
DEF: 12
ATK: 11
MAG: 4
DAM: 3d8+2

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: -/-

Energy mod of 0, Water mod of 2.
Haste (Time Mage)
Lightning Breath - 1 MAG, 20 Energy damage to units in a line in range 4. Stun on 11. (Charges for 3 seconds)

Bronze Dragon (major monster)
HP: 230
DEF: 12
ATK: 12
MAG: 4
DAM: 3d8+4

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: -/-

Earth mod of 0, Wind mod of 2.
Earthquake (Barbarian)
Dust Breath - 1 MAG, 15 Earth damage to units in a line in range 4. Blind on 16. (Charges for 3 seconds)

Gold Dragon (major monster)
HP: 200
DEF: 10
ATK: 8
MAG: 5
DAM: 3d8+5

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: -/-

Wind mod of 0, Acid mod of 2.
Air Slash (Monk)
Gust Breath - 1 MAG, 15 Wind damage to units in a line in range 4. Knocks them back on 6. (Charges for 3 seconds)

Black Dragon (major monster)
HP: 200
DEF: 9
ATK: 15
MAG: 6
DAM: 4d8

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: -/-

Darkness mod of 0, Holy mod of 2.
Raise Skeleton (Necromancer)
Void Breath - 1 MAG, 20 Darkness damage to units in a line in range 4. Fail on 16, Dying on 20. (Charges for 3 seconds)

Minor Monsters

HP: 25
DEF: 2
ATK: 2
MAG: 4
DAM: 1d4

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 1/1

Fire and Darkness mod of 2, Holy mod of .5
Sparks (Apprentice)
Charm (Prophet)

HP: 30
DEF: 3
ATK: 3
MAG: 3
DAM: 1d4+1

Can Equip: Squire, Apprentice
Summon/Convince: 1/1

Holy and Darkness mod of .5
Tinker – Bombs do not activate on this unit on 6. (Counter)
Ice (Wizard)

HP: 20
DEF: 0
ATK: 2
MAG: 1
DAM: 1d6, RANGE: 4

Can Equip: Squire
Summon/Convince: 1/1

Wind mod of 1.5

HP: 35
DEF: 3
ATK: 4
MAG: 1
DAM: 1d6

Can Equip: Squire
Summon/Convince: 1/1

Cold mod of 1.5, Acid mod of .5
Swarm - This unit gets +1 ATK for each adjacent allied unit of the same class.

HP: 30
DEF: 4
ATK: 2
MAG: 1
DAM: 1d6

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 1/1

Fire mod of 1.5, Earth mod of .75, Cold mod of .5
Blind Vision - Illuminates the area around them to self allies for 8 squares.

HP: 25
DEF: 2
ATK: 6
MAG: 1
DAM: 1d8

Can Equip: Squire
Summon/Convince: 1/1

Mighty Swing – Make an attack at 1.5 damage. This unit's DEF is at -2 for 10 seconds.

HP: 30
DEF: 4
ATK: 4
MAG: 3
DAM: 1d6

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 1/1

Fire and Darkness mod of .5, Holy mod of 2
Reach Attack – Make a punch attack at 2 range.

HP: 50
DEF: 6
ATK: 6
MAG: 2
DAM: 1d6+2

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 1/1

Run Away - Double this units speed for 5 seconds. This bonus is lost if you stop running in a straight line. This effect does not stack. (Charges for 2 seconds)
Natural Trap (Druid)

Imp Magi
HP: 30
DEF: 4
ATK: 4
MAG: 5
DAM: 1d4

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 2/1

Fire and Darkness mod of .5, Holy mod of 2
Reach Attack – Make a punch attack at 2 range.
Burning Hands – Make an attack that adds Burn on 11.
Fire (Wizard)

Wolf Rider
HP: 60
DEF: 6
ATK: 6
MAG: 1
DAM: 1d6 RANGE: 2

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 2/1

Cold mod of 1.5, Acid mod of .5
Howl - All units in range 6 gain 1 ATK for 3 seconds.
Swarm - This unit gets +1 ATK for each adjacent allied unit of the same class.

Medium Monsters

HP: 60
DEF: 6
ATK: 5
MAG: 1
DAM: 1d6+2 RANGE: 6

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 2/2

Energy mod of 2, Water Cold and Fire mod of .5
Point Blank Shot – This unit gets +2 ATK when attacking a unit within a range of 3.

HP: 55
DEF: 5
ATK: 3
MAG: 3
DAM: 1d6

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 2/2

Energy and Cold mod of 2, Earth mod of 0
Siren Song – 1 MAG, Charm all units except self in range 6 on 19. (Charges for 5 seconds)

HP: 60
DEF: 10
ATK: 6
MAG: 4
DAM: 2d4

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 2/2

Summon Medium Monster – Slime (Summoner)

HP: 70
DEF: 9
ATK: 4
MAG: 1
DAM: 1d8+2

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 3/2

Water Mod of 2, Energy Earth Wind Fire Cold, Physical mod of .5, Acid mod of 0
Stone Skin – Damage from physical attacks are halved on 16. (Counter)

HP: 80
DEF: 6
ATK: 6
MAG: 2
DAM: 1d6+2

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 3/3

Energy mod of 2, Earth mod of 0
Roar – Units in a range of 6 are at -1 ATK for 3 seconds.

HP: 80
DEF: 8
ATK: 3
MAG: 3
DAM: 1d8+2

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 3/3

Fire Acid and Cold mod of 2, Physical and Earth mod of .5
Entangle – Make an attack at half damage. If it hits, that unit is at -2 speed for 3 seconds on 6.

HP: 90
DEF: 6
ATK: 6
MAG: 1
DAM: 1d10+2

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 4/3

Fire mod of 2, Acid Physical mod of .5
Mech Mash (Geomancer)

Dragon Fly
HP: 50
DEF: 10
ATK: 6
MAG: 1
DAM: 1d6

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 3/3

Acid mod of 2
Poison Touch (Ninja)
Weakness Touch - Attack that adds Frail on hit. (Uses weapon)

HP: 70
DEF: 8
ATK: 5
MAG: 2
DAM: 1d6+2

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 4/3

Cold and Water mod of 2, Fire mod of .5
Triple Strike – Attack that attacks thrice. First attack is made when used, second attack is made after 1 second, third attack is made when charge is complete. (Uses weapon, charges for 2 seconds)
Fire (Wizard)
Bolt (Wizard)

HP: 70
DEF: 7
ATK: 6
MAG: 2
DAM: 1d8+2

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 3/3

Holy mod of 2
Howl - All units in range 6 gain 1 ATK for 3 seconds.

HP: 75
DEF: 6
ATK: 5
MAG: 3
DAM: 1d6+2

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 3/3

Darkness mod of 2, Holy mod of .5, Earth mod of 0
Holy Arrow – 1 MAG, range 6, 20 Holy damage to target. (Charges for 3 seconds)

HP: 80
DEF: 8
ATK: 8
MAG: 2
DAM: 2d6+2

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 4/4

Bloodlust (Barbarian)
Haste (Time Mage)
Double Strike (Monk)

HP: 70
DEF: 9
ATK: 6
MAG: 1
DAM: 1d8+2

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 4/3

Energy and Cold mod at 2, Earth mod of 0
Bolt (Wizard)

Major Monsters

HP: 80
DEF: 6
ATK: 3
MAG: 6
DAM: 1d6, RANGE: 4

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 4/4

Darkness mod of 1.5, Earth Wind Water Acid Light Energy Cold Fire mod at .5.
Ice 2 (Wizard)
Bolt 2 (Wizard)
Fire 2 (Wizard)
Wish – 2 MAG, cure 30 to self or adjacent unit. (Charges for 3 seconds)

HP: 80
DEF: 7
ATK: 9
MAG: 3
DAM: 2d6+2

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 4/5

Acid mod of 0, Earth mod of 1.5
Stonegaze – 2 MAG, Petrify unit in front of this unit who is facing this unit. (Charges for 2 seconds)

HP: 100
DEF: 10
ATK: 10
MAG: 1
DAM: 3d6

Can Equip: Knight, Barbarian
Summon/Convince: 5/5

Water mod of 2, Earth Fire mod of .5
Boulder Throw – Make an attack at 4 range, -2 ATK, and 2d6 damage.
Earthquake (Barbarian)
Dominant Strike (Barbarian)

HP: 70
DEF: 7
ATK: 7
MAG: 7
DAM: 7d4, RANGE: 7

Fire Energy Cold Darkness mod of -1, Physical mod of .75
Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 7/7

Ice 2 (Wizard)
Fire 2 (Wizard)
Bolt 2 (Wizard)
Dark Bomb (Necromancer)
Eye Gaze – 1 MAG, range 4, Stun the target. (Charges for 2 seconds)

HP: 90
DEF: 9
ATK: 11
MAG: 2
DAM: 2d8

Can Equip: Weapons of Squire.
Summon/Convince: 5/6

Holy and Darkness mod of .75, Water mod of 2
Double Strike (Monk)
Defend (Knight)

HP: 110
DEF: 11
ATK: 8
MAG: 3
DAM: 2d8+2

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 6/6

Acid mod of 0
Stonegaze – 2 MAG, Petrify unit in front of this unit who is facing this unit. (Charges for 2 seconds)
Acid Bite – Make an attack that does Acid damage instead of Physical.

HP: 105
DEF: 10
ATK: 10
MAG: 3
DAM: 2d10

Can Equip: No
Summon/Convince: 6/6

Acid and Earth mod of 0, Cold and Energy mod of 2
Improved Acid Bite – Make an attack that does Acid damage instead of Physical and inflicts Poison on 6.

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